Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome, and Happy New Year!

Welcome to A Wee Red Head!  I have started this blog as a way to encourage myself to reflect thoughtfully on the things that are important to me, and maybe, if others are interested, to have some fun and thoughtful conversations about those same things.  Feel free to chime in!

To start off, I figured I'd take some time to think about the topics I plan to cover, and how I hope to approach them in 2013.

Crumbs: There are few things I enjoy more than reading about, preparing, sharing, and eating food.  I imagine I will write a lot about what I'm eating and what I want to be eating.  Resolution: To start Sunday Soup-Day in our home as a way to try new recipes, eat more healthfully, and have more delicious left-overs for the rest of the week!
Mind/Body/Soul: I feel happiest and most complete when I am pushing myself physically and regularly practicing yoga.  Resolution: Run my first half marathon; complete my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification
Homefront: We live in a 100+ year old house which is in good shape, but still needs some love to make it truly our own.  Resolution: Redo the main stairway leading into the upstairs hallway
Puppylove: We have a young boxer-pit mix named Atticus - he brings us so much joy and laughter.  Resolution: Train Atticus to not chew on things that are not toys while we're not around
Covet: What's a blog if not a place to share pictures of pretty things I like?!  Resolution: To see beauty in my surroundings, while curating a small and meaningful personal collection of belongings
The Great Outdoors: While regularly pushing myself physically is key to my happiness, it is best achieved if I am pushing myself outside!  Resolution: Go hiking with Andy and Atticus more often
Think Global/Act Local: It is too easy to ignore the negative news about the world and draw inward. Resolution: Become more involved in my local community
Loved Ones: Friends and family.  Resolution: Make a greater effort to see my friends and family more often
The Arts: Lately I have felt a dearth of creativity around me.  Resolution: Listen to more new music

We'll see how this blogging journey compliments my "real world" journey.  Come along!

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